Visit of the Director of the Binguela Agricutural Practice School to the CEPASE
The collaboration between the Centers of Reception of Hope (CAES) and the School Practical of Agriculture of Binguela (EPAB) specifically takes into account the Center of Promotion of the Socio-Economic Activities (CÉPASE) which is the new born of CAES activities. CEPASE offers training in agro-silvo-pastoral care for AIDS orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC). Such an enterprise could not flourish without a frank collaboration with the EPAB, which is a benchmark school in the field both at national and sub-regional level. For three years now, the agreement between the two structures has been signed. The results of this collaboration speak for themselves. Two promotions already formed.
On Saturday 05 August 2017, in response to the invitation addressed to him by the Reverend Sister, the Director of EPAB himself came to know what is really being done at CEPASE with regard to the development of useful infrastructures for quality training.
After the welcome greetings followed by the installation of our branded host, the Founding Director did a retrospective on the genesis of the work of CAES and the birth of CEPASE. She clarified the approach of collaboration with municipalities to broaden the target by integrating other vulnerable children beyond AIDS orphans in care at the CAES who become very early heads of families without training, without jobs and idle. The Director also announced to the Director of EPAB the official recognition of our Center by the government since 23 June 2017 for the granting of an accreditation. A news that the Director has warmly welcomed.
The Director was subsequently invited to take a guided tour of the site. From the multipurpose room, to the dormitories of the learners, his attention focused on practical workshops. First the fish ponds in full redevelopment where he spoke with the engineer in charge of directing the said work. Then in the pigsty where he made some comments that they are on stilts without exploitable space below. Finally, at the barn that has just been set up to house the experimental chicken bands launched by the learners of the 2016 class, the Director suggested that corrections be made to this building. For the Director, the quality of production depends on the infrastructure and therefore to design, it takes time.
At the end of his visit, the Director congratulated the Director for all the efforts undertaken in this work by promising a better collaboration for the future.