Background and Rationale
Cameroon needs to develop its aquaculture particularly in times of food crisis. NGO “Hope Welcoming Centers” (HWC), which happens already with success in work relating to agro-pastoral speculations emerging (pigs, guinea pigs, cane rats), intends to expand its sphere of action on fish. The chosen system “ACF” Which allows switching from one mode of production of the extensive type and semi extensive system to a highly intensive fry production and fish, appears as a suitable alternative. This is an environmentally friendly system that is also associated with a high economic return. It takes up very little space and can be driven anywhere, especially near large urban centers consuming fish. It is very profitable with an annual sale up to 70%. This efficiency allows the recovery of short-term capital : 17 months or 03 cycles of breeding.
The HWC see this activity the opportunity to strengthen its financial autonomy.