Make a donation

Regular donation

Your regular donation facilitates the long-term planning of our projects and especially the care of AIDS orphans and vulnerable children supervised at the Efoulan Temporary Reception Center and in poor communities. Your regular donation expresses your solidarity. It can be in kind or in kind. In-kind donations are directly deposited at the Efoulan Temporary Reception Center.

Your regular donation can be made by a standing order (Cpt Bancaires CA-SCB CAMEROON N ° 3111254872305000).

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Single donation

The smallest donation can make a difference.

Thanks to the long experience of the Centers of Reception of Hope (founded in 1989), you can be sure that your donation arrives well with those, who need it most. It can be in kind or in kind. In-kind donations are directly deposited at the Efoulan temporary reception center in Yaoundé.

You can determine which project your donation should be affected by clearly communicating the project in the mention of your transfer (Cpt Bancaires CA-SCB CAMEROON N ° 3111254872305000)

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© Copyright - LES CENTRES D'ACCUEIL DE L'ESPOIR - Développé par Hugues Raoul MEFOUDE