Thanks to a guided tour of their supposed future living environment and all the training workshops, the young preselected have the opportunity to ask any questions related to their training at the Center for the Promotion of Socio-Economic Activities of NKAOBANG (CPSEA) . This allows them to have a global overview of the center’s activities and to appreciate their future living environment..

On 07 March 2018, thanks to the combined support of youth association leaders and the social services of Yaoundé 6 and SOA town halls, CEPASE was able to get its hands on 24 pre-selected underprivileged young people to benefit from the free training offered by the center.

In this context, it should be remembered that the Cameroonian youth faces precariousness and a crisis of employment. Cameroon’s economy can not yet allow it to employ all young people. This is why in one of his speeches addressed to the youth the President of the Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency Paul Biya exhorts and encourages young people to return to agriculture Because, the earth does not deceive.

On the way, the help of the “Centres d’Accueil de l’Espoir” (CAES) through the Center of Promotion of the Socio-Economic Activities of NKOABANG (CPSEA) comes at the right moment because, it is actually directed towards this sector of activities by offering training in agriculture, breeding and fish farming to young people, while installing those who have shown commitment and good behavior from the end of training.

To this end, the entire training framework was presented to them including dormitories, livestock buildings, fish ponds, sprinklers etc…

Between satisfaction and hesitation : It has never really been easy to convince a young person to invest in agriculture and livestock farming because young Cameroonian considers the agro-pastoral sector as the one destined for those who have missed their lives. This explains the hesitation of some young people during this impregnation visit despite the brilliant awareness that was made by the CAES team. According to center officials, most think so because of ignorance because no country in the world has developed without agriculture.